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Buffered Vitamin C Powder

Buffered Vitamin C Powder

Product Description

Buffered Vitamin C contains high-purity ascorbic acid buffered with carbonates of calcium and magnesium. Whereas ascorbic acid has a pH of about 3, buffering this vitamin with minerals raises the pH to a more neutral acid-alkaline balance which is helpful in sensitive individuals. Buffered vitamin C is absorbed more gradually than ascorbic acid alone, which can help maintain steadier blood levels of vitamin C compared to a rapid spike and decline seen with regular ascorbic acid. Each half teaspoon serving contains more than 1000 mg (1 gram) of ascorbic acid. 

Regular price $29.69 USD
Regular price Sale price $29.69 USD
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Suggested use:

As a dietary supplement, ½ heaping teaspoon or more in 8 to 12 ounces of liquid between meals, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.


As with all vitamin C formulations, as one begins to achieve body saturation, “bowel tolerance” may be temporarily exceeded and diarrhea or loose stools may occur. As the body becomes conditioned to higher vitamin C intake, bowel symptoms should ease. Ideal for controlling acidity often associated with hypersensitivity reactions.*

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