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Nattokinase 100 mg NSK-SD®

Nattokinase 100 mg NSK-SD®

Product Description

Isolated, purified and encapsulated nattokinase, an enzyme derived from boiled soybeans and a selected, patented strain of Bacillus subtilis natto. Nattokinase NSK-SD® was the first nattokinase introduced into the US market, and it has established standardization and quality levels for all nattokinase, with comprehensive safety studies and proven potency. It is vegetarian, non-irradiated, and free of vitamin K2. NSK-SD® has two Japanese and three U.S. patents, and is recognized by the JHFA (Japan Health and Nutrition Food Authorization) and JNKA (Japan Nattokinase Association) as authentic nattokinase. NSK-SD® is a trademark of Japan BioScience Laboratory.
Regular price $118.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $118.99 USD
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